Case Study
Chintaluri, MG; Paul, J; Adil Khan (2024) Amul: Engaging Chefs as Influencers, Ivey Publishing, Ivey ID: W34861
Edited Book
Arafat, Mohd Yasir and Imran Saleem, Jabir Ali, Adil Khan, and Hamad Hussain Balhareth, eds. Driving Factors for Venture Creation and Success in Agricultural Entrepreneurship. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-6684-2349-3
Fathima M.S., A., Adil Khan and Alam, A.S. (2023), "A bibliometric review of consumers’ purchase behaviour for solar energy products", International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Arshiya Fathima M. S., Adil Khan & Ansari Sarwar Alam (2023) Relationship of the Theory of Consumption Values and Flow with Online Brand Experience: A Study of Young Consumers, Journal of Internet Commerce, 22:4, 509-537, DOI: 10.1080/15332861.2022.2109876
Sunil Kumar, Adil Khan, Anshu Lochab, Vijay Prakash Gupta, Amit Kumar Arora (2023) Boundaryless Career: A Bibliometric Analysis
Adil Khan; Arafat, M. Y; & Saleem, I. (2022). Does Social Legitimacy Matter in an Indian’s Decision to Start a New Venture? Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, 8(2), 188-205.
Parul Bajaj, Adil Khan, Mosab I. Tabash & Suhaib Anagreh | Ah Choo Koo (Reviewing editor) (2021) Teachers’ intention to continue the use of online teaching tools post Covid-19, Cogent Education, 8:1, DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2021.2002130 link (Scopus, Taylor and Francis)
Adil Khan, Mohammad, A.S. and Muhammad, S. (2021), "An integrated model of brand experience and brand love for halal brands: survey of halal fast food consumers in Malaysia", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 12 No. 8, pp. 1492-1520. (Scopus, ABDC- B Category, Emerald Publisher)
Adil Khan, Khan, S (2020). Purchasing grocery online in a nonmetro city: Investigating the role of convenience, security, and variety. J Public Affairs. 2020;e2497. (Scopus, ABDC- B Category)
Adil Khan, Azam, M.K. and Arafat, M.Y., (2020), “Role of halal literacy and religiosity in buying intention of halal branded food products in India”, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. Ahead-of-print (Scopus, ABDC- B Category, Emerald Publisher)
Arafat, M. Y., Saleem, I., Dwivedi, A. K., & Adil Khan (2020). Determinants of agricultural entrepreneurship: a GEM data based study. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 16(1), 345-370. (Scopus and web of science: SSCI, Published by Springer)
Fatehi Almugari, Parul Bajaj, Mosab I. Tabash, Adil Khan, Mohammed Ashraf Ali (2020), An examination of consumers’ adoption of internet of things, Cogent Business and Management (Scopus, and WOS-ESCI, Published by Taylor and Francis)
Adil Khan and Ansari Sarwar Alam (2019) Retail Investors’ Attitude towards Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) in India: Examining the Role of Religiosity and Moral Norms within TPB Framework. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (Scopus)
Adil Khan, Azam, M.K. and Arafat, M.Y., 2019. Does religiosity really matter in purchase intention of halal-certified packaged food products? A survey of Indian Muslim consumers. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 27(4), pp.2383-2400. (Scopus and Web of Science: ESCI, Published by Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Adil Khan & Azam M.K. (2016) Factors Influencing Halal Products Purchase Intention in India: Preliminary Investigation, IUP Journal of Marketing Management, Vol15-issue1 (Feb 2016), Page-20-35, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad (indexed in EBSCO and ProQuest) link
BOOK Chapters
Khan, S., & Adil Khan (2021). Consumer E-Loyalty for E-Grocery Shopping in a Metro City of India: Role of Flow and TAM Antecedents; Research Anthology on E-Commerce Adoption, Models, and Applications for Modern Business DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-8957-1.ch082 Copyright:©2021 Link (Edited book)
Hussain, Syed Abid and Gayas Ahmad, Adil Khan, Aamir Hassan, and Mohd Shamim. "Cognitive Antecedents of the Agricultural Entrepreneurship Intentions of Indian University Students." In Driving Factors for Venture Creation and Success in Agricultural Entrepreneurship. edited by Arafat, Mohd Yasir and Imran Saleem, Jabir Ali, Adil Khan, and Hamad Hussain Balhareth, 121-140. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-6684-2349-3.ch006 (Edited book)